路由# 321076470

关闭成本 解释

2024年2月1日 5分钟

一旦你攒够了首付, 找到了级长家, 并且收到了按揭贷款的正式预批准, 关闭成本 can be an unpleasant surprise if you’re unprepared.

是什么 关闭成本?

Closing costs are fees you must pay when you buy or refinance a home. 以下是你需要知道的5件事:

  1. They typically range between 1% to 3% of the total amount borrowed. 例如, 500美元,000年抵押贷款, 你可能需要支付5美元,000 to $15,成交费用.
  2. The 关闭成本 are typically paid out of pocket at the loan closing. 然而, 唯一的例外是房屋检查, 哪一项通常在履行时到期并应支付.
  3. It’s possible to negotiate a seller credit for some, or all, of the 关闭成本 作为合同签订过程的一部分. Your real estate agent will help guide you through this process. Many lenders place limits on the amount you can receive as a seller credit, 通常在购买价格的2%到6%之间, 取决于贷款项目和其他因素. Be sure to work with your 首页 Loan Consultant or lender to understand the limits associated with your particular loan program.
  4. They fall within two different buckets: recurring and non-recurring. Recurring costs are associated with costs you will make at closing 作为房主继续支付. Examples of recurring costs are 房屋保险 and taxes. Non-recurring costs are one-time fees associated with the purchase of your home – we’ll outline many of these fees in the next section below.
  5. Lenders are required to give you an estimate of the 关闭成本 for your transaction within three business days of receiving a completed application. (这被称为贷款估算.)
提示 & 事实

提示 & 事实

Closing costs fall within two different buckets: recurring and non-recurring. Recurring costs are associated with costs you will make at closing, 作为房主继续支付.

包括什么? 关闭成本

Now we’ll cover some samples of the types of 关闭成本 you may see on the Loan Estimate.

  • 鉴定费用 – This is a fee that you pay to have a professional appraiser evaluate the value and condition of the home you are buying. It can cost as much as $700 – $800 and it is required by most lenders to ensure that the home’s value is sufficient to secure the amount being borrowed and its condition meets collateral suitability requirements.
  • 扣押的账户 -也被称为托管账户, this is set up and maintained by your lender/servicer to pay your property taxes, 房屋保险, 如果适用的话, 按揭保险费. These accounts require an initial funding (typically equivalent to two months’ worth of taxes and premiums) that’s paid out of pocket at loan closing, with subsequent funds collected with each monthly mortgage payment. 扣押账户通常是可选的, but they may be required for certain loan programs or for loans with down payments of less than 20%.
  • 产权保险 – This is a type of insurance that protects you and your lender from any claims or disputes over the ownership of the property. 它通常是基于房屋的购买价格, and it covers the cost of a title search which verifies the legal history of the property. 业权保险有两种:
  • 银行的政策 – This policy protects the lender from losses due to undiscovered defects in title that could arise after the purchase, 比如未偿留置权, 税款, 或未解决的所有权要求, 比如有争议的遗嘱. 你的出借人会要求这个保险, and the buyer will pay the cost for this coverage at loan closing.
  • 老板的政策 – This policy protects you from financial losses due to the same perils that are covered in the lender’s policy. 虽然这种覆盖是可选的,但强烈建议这样做. 在一些地区, 按照惯例,这笔费用由卖方支付, and if you purchase both policies from the same title insurance provider your cost could be lower compared to buying them separately.
  • 抵押贷款保险 -政府担保贷款,如联邦住房管理局, VA, or USDA require an upfront payment for all or part of their 按揭保险费. 这些保费通常会计入新贷款, 或者你可以选择在交易结束时自掏腰包. 根据课程的不同,费用从1美元到1美元不等.00% to 3.贷款金额的30%.
  • 托管费用 -这是你支付给托管公司的费用, which is a third party (or it may be the title insurance provider) that holds and transfers the funds and documents between you and the seller. It is usually a percentage of the purchase price or a flat fee, 取决于国家和公司.
  • 记录的费用 – This is a fee you pay to the county or city where the property is located to record the transfer of ownership in the public records. 它通常是一个固定的费用,比如200美元或300美元.
  • 转让税 – This is a tax you pay to the state or local government when you buy a property. It is usually a percentage of the purchase price or a flat fee, 取决于地点和房产类型. Often, you can negotiate for this fee to be paid by the seller.
  • 验房费 – This is a fee you pay to have a professional inspector check the condition of the home you are buying. 它通常是350 - 450美元,是可选的, 但强烈推荐, 找出家中任何潜在的问题或缺陷. A home inspection is separate from the Appraisal that will be required by the lender and will give you a more complete picture of the condition of the home and its major components.
  • 木材破坏害虫检验费 -这次检查, 通常由买方支付, 提供任何白蚁活跃侵扰的细节, 真菌, or dry rot (called Section 1 findings) along with any findings of conditions that could lead to future infestations if not corrected (called Section 2 findings). 检查费通常在200美元左右. If required by the lender, the cost for any repairs done is typically paid for by the seller.
  • 调查费 – This is a fee you may need to pay to have a professional surveyor measure and map the boundaries and features of the property you are buying. 通常平均为400 - 800美元, 虽然它可能高达2美元,000 – $5,000在某些州或情况下. 虽然它通常是可选的, sometimes it may be required by the lender or the title company to verify the size and location of the property.

