路由# 321076470

买一个 房子

2019年10月9日 5分钟

的re's no doubt about it–owning a home is an exciting prospect. After all, 你've always dreamed of having a place that 你 could truly call 你r own. But 买房子 can be stressful, especially when 你're buying one for the first time. Fortunately, knowing what to expect can make it a lot easier.

1. 我能买得起多少房子?

根据一般的经验法则, 你 can afford a house that costs two and a half times 你r annual salary. But determining how much 你 can afford to spend on a house is not quite so simple. Since most people finance their home purchases, 买房子 usually means getting a 抵押贷款. So, the amount 你 can afford to spend on a house is often tied to figuring out how large a 抵押贷款 你 can afford. 为了解决这个问题, 你’ll need to take into account 你r gross monthly income, 住房费用, 任何长期债务.

一般来说,如果你申请的是传统的 抵押贷款,

  • Your monthly 住房费用 (抵押贷款 principal and interest, 房地产税, and 房产保险) should not exceed 28 percent of 你r gross monthly income.
  • 除了, most 抵押贷款s require borrowers to have a debt-to-income ratio that is less than or equal to 43 percent.

换句话说, 你 should be spending no more than 43 percent of 你r gross monthly income on longer-term debt payment. 使用a可能会有帮助 抵押计算器 来帮你计算.

如果你申请的是传统的抵押贷款, 你 should be spending no more than 43 percent of 你r gross monthly income on longer-term debt payment.”

2. 你应该使用 房地产经纪人或经纪人 买房子的时候?

A knowledgeable real estate agent or buyer's broker can guide 你 through the process of buying a home and make the process much easier. This assistance can be especially helpful if 你 are 买房子 for the first time. 特别地,代理人或经纪人可以:

  • 帮助您确定您的住房需求
  • Show 你 properties and neighborhoods in 你r price range
  • 建议融资的来源和技术
  • 准备并提出购买报价
  • 在谈判中充当中间人
  • Recommend professionals whose services 你 may need (e.g., lawyers, 抵押贷款 brokers, title professionals, inspectors)
  • Provide insight into neighborhoods and market activity
  • Disclose positive and negative aspects of properties 你're considering

Keep in mind that if 你 enlist the services of an agent or broker, 你'll want to find out how he or she is being compensated (i.e., flat fee or commission based on a percentage of the sale price). Many states require the agent or broker to disclose this information to 你 up front and in writing.

3. 选择 正确的回家

Before 你 begin looking at houses, decide in advance the features that 你 want 你r home to have. Knowing what 你 want ahead of time will make the search for 你r dream home much easier. 以下是一些需要考虑的事项:

  • 房价和升值潜力
  • 地点或社区
  • Quality of construction, age, and condition of the property
  • 住宅风格和地块大小
  • 卧室和浴室的数量
  • 本地学校的质素
  • 该地区的犯罪水平
  • 房产税
  • 靠近购物、学校和工作场所

4. 使 报价

Once 你 find a house, 你'll want to make an offer. Most home sale offers and counteroffers are made through an intermediary, 比如房地产经纪人. 要约的所有条款和条件, 不管时间有多短, 应该写下来以避免将来的问题吗. 通常, 你的律师 or real estate agent will prepare an offer to purchase for 你 to sign. You'll also include a nominal down payment, such as $500. 如果卖方接受要约购买, 他或她将签署合同, which will then become a binding agreement between 你 and the seller. For this reason, it’s a good idea to have 你的律师 review any offer to purchase before 你 sign.

5. 其他细节 买房子

一旦卖方接受了你的报价, 你, 你的房地产经纪人, or the 抵押贷款 lender will get busy completing procedures and documents necessary to finalize the purchase. 这些包括最终确定抵押贷款, 评估房屋, 测量物业, 并获得 房产保险. 通常, 你 would have made 你r offer contingent upon the satisfactory completion of a home inspection, 所以现在是时候完成这个了.

5. 的 关闭

闭幕会议, 也被称为产权终止或和解, 这可能是一个乏味的过程——但什么时候结束呢, 这房子终于是你的了! 关闭 may require some or all of the following entities to be present: the seller and/or the seller’s attorney, 你的律师, the 关闭 agent (a real estate attorney or the representative of a title company or 抵押贷款 lender), 还有你的房产经纪人和卖家的. 这取决于你住在哪个州, all parties may be required to attend the 关闭 at once or the 关闭 can take place over the course of several weeks. Some 关闭s can be conducted by mail or via the internet.

During the 关闭 process, 你’ll receive and/or sign a variety of paperwork, including:

  • Closing Disclosure: This lists all of the final terms of the loan 你’ve selected. Your lender is required to send 你 the Closing Disclosure at least three business days before the actual 关闭 meeting.
  • Promissory note: This spells out the amount and repayment terms of 你r 抵押贷款 loan.
  • Mortgage: This gives the lender a lien against the property.
  • Deed: This transfers legal ownership of the property to 你.

除了, 你'll need to provide proof that 你 have insured the property. You'll also be required to pay certain costs and fees associated with obtaining the 抵押贷款 and 关闭 the real estate transaction.


Source: Broadridge Financial Solutions, accessed June 14, 2019.

