汽车 loans, signature loans, credit card or line of credit

Having trouble making loan or credit card payments? We’re here to help. Some options can include:

  • Establishing a repayment plan
  • Deferring up to two payments
  • Modifying monthly payment

呼叫 us for help: 800.358.8228 x 7145

Mortgage hardship assistance options

We understand how important your home is to you. Here are some options to consider to get through this difficult period.

Repayment plan: The borrower agrees to repay the past due amount and current payments together over an extended timeframe, and catch up on the loan.

Recapitalization plan: The past due balance (principal and interest) is added to the current balance. This total amount is re-amortized and split into payments over the remaining original loan term.

Loan modification: Any loan changes that make the loan more affordable, such as a lower interest rate or longer term date.

卖空交易: Sell your home, when you owe more than its value, to pay off a portion of your mortgage balance.

Deed in lieu of foreclosure: The transfer of ownership to Patelco. This eliminates the debt and avoids foreclosure.

Fannie Mae customers: Your loan may have additional assistance options.

Help is available if you’re having trouble making your mortgage payments.

  1. 联系 us by 电子邮件 或打电话 800.358.8228 x 3999
  2. Download, complete and submit a Borrower Response Package (PDF).
  3. Fax the completed form to 925.847.1950.

You can also connect with a HUD counselor for additional support at 800.569.4287.

Did you apply for a loan modification?

To check the status of your loan modification, 呼叫 800.358.8228 x 3999 or 电子邮件 us.

To appeal a modification decision, 呼叫 800.358.8228 x 3999 or 电子邮件 us a summary of your appeal.

Appeals timeline

  1. An appeals manager will be assigned to your case within three business days and will provide you with a case reference ID and a resolution date.
  2. Appeals are typi呼叫y resolved in 15 days. Some cases may extend to 30 days. Your case manager will notify you of any extension.

If we don’t meet these timelines, we’d like to know. 联系 us at 800.358.8228 x 3999 或通过 电子邮件.

Additional contacts

If you’re experiencing financial hardship, you have access to a number of resources that can help.

Consumer loans support

信贷 counseling services

  • 呼叫 800.358.8228 x 7145

免费的 financial counseling from HUD

Loan mitigation specialists

Loan mitigation appeals

