路由# 321076470

如何 在杂货上省钱

2019年10月11日 6分钟

自2020年3月起, 当时许多地区开始实施就地避难政策, 美国人在食品杂货上的支出一直在增加. 我们越来越多的人在家做饭,改变了我们的购物习惯, 管理每周的杂货预算有了新的重要性. We want you to make the most of every grocery dollar, which is why we’ve compiled the following tips.

These 15 practical suggestions are another way we’re helping you maximize your daily spending – all part of looking out for your overall financial wellness. 有关日常消费的更多建议,请查看我们的 预算 Page,里面有从预算到 收入下降 到一个 费用跟踪 指南.

想办法…… 在商店存钱

计划膳食 出售物品

Check out the ads that are delivered to your mailbox or look online for what’s on sale that week. 通过在线搜索, it’s relatively easy to find recipes made from the ingredients that are on sale.

使用商店 忠诚卡

Many grocery stores have a store 忠诚卡, which gives you lower prices on many items. Many stores have also expanded these 忠诚卡s to be apps that give you the chance to add discounts to your card. 你也可以在一些连锁店赚取积分以获得折扣燃料.

In exchange, you’re providing the store with data on what you purchase over time. 尤其是当你在使用应用程序时, be sure to check the details about what information you’re being asked to share.

试一试 杂货折扣应用

There are more than a dozen 杂货折扣应用s out there that can save you money on your grocery bill. 根据你购物的地点,有些可能比其他的更适合你, 你买什么, 你愿意分享什么样的信息. 通常, 杂货折扣应用s give you cash back or other benefits after you provide an image of your grocery receipt, 这表示购买特定物品的凭证.

查看在线评论和你的设备应用商店,帮助你做出决定. 记得检查应用程序需要你提供哪些信息. You may also need to test drive a couple of apps for a few weeks’ worth of grocery shopping to see which one is giving you the most benefit


大多数杂货店都有一个小的清仓区. 你可能不会每次都找到你需要的东西, but you’re likely to score some great deals if you check regularly – so make it a habit to visit that space as part of your normal grocery shopping trip. Stores often put holiday items there once the holiday has passed – and there’s often plenty of time before the expiration date.


当你买完杂货回家的时候, 在你的收据上圈出三到四个最贵的项目. 你可能没有意识到你在某些食物上花了多少钱, 哪些因素会促使你做出改变. 这个练习也会帮助你了解需要注意哪些销售. For instance, if you discover you spend a lot on dairy, you can be on the lookout for dairy deals.


Save your receipts for a couple weeks to determine the 10 items you buy most. Then do some comparison shopping at different grocery stores for those 10 items. This will help you learn where the best prices are for what your family eats the most.


Popular wisdom says that buying in bulk saves money – but be sure to check whether you’re getting real value. Many grocery items are cheaper to buy in bulk via a larger size or a multi-pack, 但并不是所有的东西都很便宜. 比较 the “per ounce” or “per item” cost of the smaller item and the bulk size. Also keep the shelf life in mind – there’s not much value in buying an item in bulk if it will expire before you can use it.

省钱的时候 提前计划


Having a list ready before you go will help curb impulse buys of items you don’t really need – plus ensure you get home with the items you and your family do need in order to eat each week.


如果你不经常去杂货店买东西, you’re more likely to be more thoughtful as you shop because you know you won’t be coming back for another week or two. And if you’re prone to impulse buys, you’ll have fewer opportunities each month to buy on impulse.


人们倾向于购买更多的垃圾食品, 花更多的钱, 如果他们在饥饿或压力大的时候购物,就会买到比他们需要的更多的东西. If you’re stressed after your workday and hungry for dinner, that’s not the ideal time to shop. Find a time in your week when you’re fed and have lower stress – this will help you make smarter decisions and stick to your grocery list.

Set aside a week every month or two as a “pantry week” to use up items that are already in your refrigerator, 冰箱, 和储藏室. 很有可能,家里的食物比你想象的要多.

用你喜欢的烹饪 在家里吃


Many households buy more groceries than needed because they’re not aware of what’s already at home. Take stock of what you have in the pantry and refrigerator before you make your grocery list.


Organize your pantry and fridge so that expiring items don’t end up stuck at the back where your family won’t ever eat them. According to a 2020 report by RTS Waste Services, millions of tons of food is wasted each year. 不要让你的杂货预算因为这种浪费而受到影响!


如果你有一种(或两种)随机剩下的食材, 在网上搜索一下用这种食材做的菜. 这样就不会浪费了. There are even some websites specifically designed around providing recipes based on available ingredients.


每个月或每两个月留出一周作为“食品周”.” Spend that week using up the items that are already in your refrigerator, 冰箱, 和储藏室. 很有可能,家里的食物比你想象的要多. A regular “pantry week” can also help assure that you enjoy foods before their expiration date.

得到一个 Patelco支票账户

虽然 Patelco +支票账户 不会直接帮你在杂货店省钱, it’s a great way to benefit your bottom line via everyday spending on your grocery runs. That’s because the account comes with 汽车matic Round-Up 储蓄 with a 10% match. Whenever you use your debit card at the grocery store (or any other store), we’ll round up your total to the nearest dollar and transfer the difference into your savings account. We’ll then match 10% of the rounded-up amount and deposit it into your savings account.

举个例子,如果你在杂货店花了77美元.我们从您的支票账户中扣除78美元——77美元.9美元支付杂货店和0美元.91元付给你(通过转帐到你的储蓄账户). 然后我们会再加9美分,这样你总共就能省下1美元. And this will add up over time because we do it for every debit card purchase from your Patelco +支票账户. 了解更多有关 Patelco +支票账户 – including other great benefits, the yearly maximum on matched savings, and the low fee.

